Saturday, January 25 2025

Serves 3–4

A clas­sic stew with veg­eta­bles, a real­ly sim­ple dish to cook up in a camper­van on those cold nights, even in the summer.

Equip­ment Required
  • 1 large cook­ing pan with a lid
  • 1 small cook­ing pan
  • Cut­lery
  • Wood­en spoon or spachelor
  • Bowls
  • 2 gas hobs
  • 1 chop­ping board
  • 1 good kitchen knife
  • 1 bowl
  • Fridge (if not cook­ing straight away)
  • 600g of stew­ing beef
  • Splash of olive or veg­etable oil (just enough to cov­er the bot­tom of the pan)
  • 1 onion, peeled, rough­ly chopped
  • 2 car­rots, peeled and sliced into thin rounds
  • ½ table­spoon of flour
  • 2 table­spoons of toma­to purée
  • 1 clove of gar­lic, peeled, fine­ly diced
  • 600 ml (1 pint) of hot beef stock
  • Salt and pepper

Additional vegetables:

  • 1 turnip, peeled and diced
  • 1 parsnip, peeled and diced
  • 2 medi­um baked pota­toes, peeled and diced

For the veg­eta­bles, you can alter the amount depend­ing on what you have or pre­fer. A whole turnip is prob­a­bly too much for instance, I just used about a quar­ter. On this occa­sion I added more diced car­rots to the recipe

Cook­ing Method
  1. Pre­pare the meat and the veg­eta­bles itemised in the main list of ingre­di­ents (not the addi­tion­al vegetables). 
  2. Heat the oil in a large non-stick pan, when it is hot, add the meat. Fry the meat, stir­ring con­stant­ly, so that it turns a light brown colour on all sides. 
  3. Add the car­rots and onion and fry for 3–4 min­utes, stir­ring, then sprin­kle the flour over and stir in well for 2–3 minutes
  4. Add the toma­to purée and gar­lic and stir thourough­ly. Add the stock grad­u­al­ly, mix­ing between each addi­tion. Final­ly, sea­son with salt and pepper. 
  5. Cov­er the pan with a tight fit­ting lid and leave to sim­mer on a low heat for a cou­ple of hours.
  6. 30 min­utes before the end of the cook­ing time, bring anoth­er pan to the boil while prepar­ing the addi­tion­al veg­eta­bles, mak­ing sure you dice them all into the same size so they take the same amount of time to cook. 
  7. Sim­mer the turnip, parsnip and any oth­er veg­eta­bles for 15 min­utes on a low heat, then add the pota­to and con­tin­ue for anoth­er 10 min­utes or until the veg­eta­bles are soft and before the pota­to starts falling apart. 
  8. Drain the addi­tion­al veg­eta­bles and add to the large pan. If the mix­ture does not stick to a back of a spoon, remove the lid and stir until the liq­uid thickens. 
  9. Check the sea­son­ing and add a lit­tle more salt and pep­per if required. Leave sim­mer­ing until you are ready to serve.
Tab head­er
  • Sim­ply poor into bowls and eat with a spoon, a realy com­fort­ing warm meal when the British weath­er is not at it’s best



Improved performance and running with vegetable oil for the VW T4 1.9td ABL engine

About Author

The Moonraker

A complete self-confessed VW nutjob. My VW T4 is actually my first and only VW I have ever owned but I love it. Having bought my van as a straight forward panel van, I enjoyed the process of converting it how I wanted. Now the van is all done, it's getting out and exploring I love to do.

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