Sunday, September 15 2024

Serves 2–4

A chilli-con-carne recipe but with baked beans instead of kid­ney beans.

Equip­ment Required
  • 1 large cook­ing pan with a lid
  • 1 small cook­ing pan
  • 1 ket­tle to boil the beef stock water (or use the small pan)
  • Cut­lery
  • Wood­en spoon (though I use a nor­mal met­al spoon from my cutlery)
  • Plates
  • 2 gas hobs
  • 1 chop­ping board
  • 1 good kitchen knife
  • 1 bowl
  • Fridge (if not cook­ing straight away)
  • Sieve for drain­ing the rice
  • 500g minced beef
  • Splash of olive or veg­etable oil (just enough to cov­er the bot­tom of the pan)
  • 1 large onion, peeled and diced
  • 1 red pep­per, diced
  • 2 table­spoons of toma­to purée
  • 2 cloves of gar­lic, peeled, fine­ly diced
  • 1 beef stock cube
  • 1 400g tin of chopped tomatoes
  • 1 200g tin of baked beans
  • 1 tea­spoon of paprika
  • 1 tea­spoon of ground cumin
  • 1 tea­spoon of hot chilli powder
  • ½ tea­spoon of dried marjoram
  • 1 tea­spoon of sugar
  • Salt and pepper
  • Plain boiled long grain rice, to serve
Cook­ing Method
  1. Pre­pare the veg­eta­bles. Oh, and have a glass of wine on hand to enjoy the process that lit­tle bit more.
Chilli-Con-Beany Chopped Vegetables
  1. Heat the oil in a large non-stick pan on a low–medium heat and then add the onions to cook for about 5 min­utes or until the onions are soft and slight­ly translu­cent, stir­ring frequently.
Chilli-Con-Beany Frying Onions
  1. Add the gar­lic, red pep­per, papri­ka, ground cumin and the chilli pow­der. Give it a good stir and cook for anoth­er 5 min­utes, stir­ring occasionally.
  2. Add the meat to the pan and break it up with your spoon or a spat­u­la, keep stir­ring and turn­ing for 5 min­utes or until the meat is no longer pink and breaks up eas­i­ly. Ensure the heat is high enough to fry the meat and not stew it.
Chilli-Con-Beany Add the meat
  1. Cre­ate the beef stock using a stock cube and 300ml of boil­ing water. Add this to the pan along with half of the tin of chopped toma­toes. Add the mar­jo­ram and sug­ar and a good shake of salt and pep­per. Add the toma­to purée and stir in well.
  2. Bring the whole mix­ture to a sim­mer and add a lid. Now leave for 20–30 min­utes, stir­ring occa­sion­al­ly. Check the pan occa­sion­al­ly and stir to ensure noth­ing sticks to the bot­tom of the pan. If the mix­ture gets too dry then add a lit­tle water, although it is like­ly you will instead have to boil off any excess water towards the end.
Chilli-Con-Beany Simmering
  1. Add the baked beans includ­ing the sauce and stir until the mix­ture is thick and moist. Once ready, add the lid, turn off the heat and leave for 10 minutes.
  2. Boil the rice for 10–15 min­utes in just enough water to cov­er the rice.
To Serve

Sim­ply serve onto the long grained rice and enjoy!


A day trip to South Devon for a bit of a surf and my home made burgers, nice! Well, most of it anyway.


Sharkbait Beef Stew

About Author

The Moonraker

A complete self-confessed VW nutjob. My VW T4 is actually my first and only VW I have ever owned but I love it. Having bought my van as a straight forward panel van, I enjoyed the process of converting it how I wanted. Now the van is all done, it's getting out and exploring I love to do.

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